Past and Future Agendas, Attendee Lists, Recaps, Photos and Presentations available at pages linked below

  •  11/6/2024 08:30 AM
  •   340 East Middlefield Road, Mountain View, CA, USA

Telecom Council members gather in Silicon Valley monthly to meet startups, discover new case studies, exchange knowledge, and support new and existing partnerships across the innovation ecosystem. Today's meeting includes a session on Non-Terrestrial Networks.

  •  11/6/2024 10:30 AM
  •   340 East Middlefield Road, Mountain View, CA, USA

Advances in 5G standards have created opportunities to integrate non-terrestrial networks (NTN) into a global interoperable wireless experience - opening new connectivity options for mobile broadband, cellular, wide and local area IoT, and more, so it’s no wonder that there is a surge in innovation and investment. This Roundtable brings together experts, startups, telcos, and investors who are working on this evolving communications infrastructure in the sky.

  •  12/4/2024 09:00 AM
  • Online Event

Telecom Council members gather each month to meet startups, discover new case studies, and exchange knowledge and support new and existing partnerships across the innovation ecosystem.

  •  10/10/2024 08:30 AM
  •   LG Silicon Valley Lab, 5150 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, CA, USA

Telecom Council members gather this month to meet startups, discover new case studies, exchange knowledge, and support new and existing partnerships across the innovation ecosystem. This month includes a discussion around the news and announcements from MWC Las Vegas that are relevant to network operators.

  •  9/11/2024 08:30 AM
  •   333 Ravenswood Avenue, Menlo Park, CA, USA

This month Telecom Council and Cleantech Council invite non-members to join their Innovation Review on Green Data Centers. On top of the demands from growth in Cloud Computing and the energy intensity of cryptocurrency, data centers are now tasked with supporting AI, a transformative technology that comes with a hefty environmental price. Corporations, telecoms, investors, and environmentalists are looking to the startup community to come up with solutions. Join us to brainstorm ideas and meet some of these cutting edge startups.

  •  8/14/2024 08:30 AM
  •   4151 Burton Dr, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA

Telecom Council members gather each month to meet startups, discover new case studies, and exchange knowledge and support new and existing partnerships across the innovation ecosystem.

  •  6/12/2024 09:00 AM
  • Online Event

Through meetings in Silicon Valley with online access for remote attendees, the Council introduces new companies and innovative technologies every month. Telecom Council members from across the ecosystem, from global telcos and T1 telecom vendors gather online this month to meet startups and discover technologies with the intention of finding new innovation partners.

  •  5/8/2024 04:00 PM
  •   SRI in Menlo Park

This industry mixer brings together Telcos and Network Operators from around the world, corporate investors in telecom, VCs investing in a variety of communication industry segments, Telecom Council's Innovation Showcase Class of 2024, and select startups from across telecom, wireless, cloud, networking, 5G, AI and more.

  •  5/8/2024 08:30 AM
  •   SRI International, Ravenswood Avenue, Menlo Park, CA, USA

Meet 20 cutting edge global telcos who serve over 3B customers across 20 countries along with select vendors, investors and startups building the future of the communications. This high impact, personalized annual event jams telco case studies, startup pitches, technology demos, facilitated networking and prearranged, private meetings into a full day, can't-miss agenda.

  •  4/10/2024 08:30 AM
  •   3910 Freedom Circle, Santa Clara, CA, USA

Telecom Council members gather each month to meet startups, discover new case studies, and exchange knowledge and support new and existing partnerships across the innovation ecosystem.

  •  3/12/2024 08:30 AM
  •   Hyundai CRADLE in Mountain View, CA, USA

V2x means cars connecting with each-other, with city infrastructure, etc. and sharing road information to increase safety or convenience. What are the latest innovations in V2x, and what point solutions are startups offering for carmakers? We’ll find out at our V2x meeting!

  •  3/5/2024 11:00 AM
  •   Honda Innovations, Mountain View, CA, USA

Telecom Council members get together after major tradeshows to debrief the news and announcements affecting their industry.

  •  2/7/2024 08:30 AM
  •   SK Telecom Americas, Santa Clara, CA, USA

Telecom Council members gather each month to meet startups, discover new case studies, and exchange knowledge and support new and existing partnerships across the innovation ecosystem.

  •  1/17/2024 09:00 AM
  •   Denso, 101 Metro Drive, San Jose, CA, USA

Telecom Council members get together after major tradeshows to debrief the news and announcements affecting their industry. This month, along with members of the Cleantech Council and Autotech Council, we debrief CES 2024. Join us for the Debrief Report from our analyst, followed by an open discussion as our members share what they learned, what they saw, and their opinions of the products and companies that made an impression on them at the show.

  •  12/12/2023 08:30 AM
  •   SRI International, Ravenswood Avenue, Menlo Park, CA, USA

Telecom Council members gather online this month to meet startups, discover new case studies, and exchange knowledge and support new and existing partnerships across the innovation ecosystem.

  •  11/14/2023 10:30 AM
  •   Mayfield in Menlo Park, CA, USA

Now in a post "basic smartphone service" industry, telcos need to move into value added services. Facilitated by telecom networks becoming software-defined, managed by AI, and delivered in 5G and soon 6G air interfaces, the next set of opportunities are around differentiated services and premium networks. What are the associated services and apps. How will telcos manage to bill for these differentiated service levels? This lunchtime session includes an interactive discussion around the topic and will introduce a few startups innovating in this segment.

  •  11/14/2023 08:30 AM
  •   Mayfield in Menlo Park, CA, USA

Telecom Council members gather in Silicon Valley monthly to meet startups, discover new case studies, exchange knowledge, and support new and existing partnerships across the innovation ecosystem. Today's meeting includes a lunch Roundtable on Premium Networks and Differentiated Services.

  •  10/17/2023 08:30 AM
  •   LG Silicon Valley Labs in Santa Clara

Telecom Council members gather online this month to meet startups, discover new case studies, and exchange knowledge and support new and existing partnerships across the innovation ecosystem.

  •  10/3/2023 09:00 AM
  • Online Event

Telecom Council members get together after major tradeshows to debrief the news and announcements affecting their industry. This month we debrief Mobile World Congress Las Vegas 2023. Along with a Debrief Report from our analyst, our members share what they learned, what they saw, and their opinions of the products and companies that made an impression on them at the show.

  •  9/22/2023 08:30 AM
  •   SK Telecom Americas

A day of pitches, demos, MatchMaker introductions, and facilitated networking. Review the Class of 2023, get an update from some Showcase Alumni companies, visit demo tables, and set aside time to meet the telco tech scouts, vendor partners, and communications industry investors who are committed to discovering the next set of innovation partners for the telecom industry.

  •  8/15/2023 08:30 AM
  •   CableLabs in Santa Clara, CA

Telecom Council members gather online this month to meet startups, discover new case studies, and exchange knowledge and support new and existing partnerships across the innovation ecosystem.

  •  6/13/2023 09:00 AM
  • Online Event

Through meetings in Silicon Valley with online access for remote attendees, the Council introduces new companies and innovative technologies every month. Telecom Council members from across the ecosystem, from global telcos and T1 telecom vendors gather online this month to meet startups and discover technologies with the intention of finding new innovation partners.

  •  5/16/2023 10:30 AM
  •   Mayfield in Menlo Park, CA, USA

From ChatGPT to AI generated art and deep fake videos, Generative AI is poised to impact every industry - including telecom. This lunchtime session focuses on the opportunities, not the challenges of Generative AI, and will introduce a few startups taking us into this new future.

  •  5/16/2023 08:30 AM
  •   Mayfield in Menlo Park, CA, USA

Telecom Council members gather in Silicon Valley monthly to meet startups, discover new case studies, exchange knowledge, and support new and existing partnerships across the innovation ecosystem. Today's meeting includes a lunch Roundtable on Generative AI and its opportunities in the telecoms industry.

  •  4/18/2023 08:30 AM
  •   CableLabs in Santa Clara

Telecom Council members gather online this month to meet startups, discover new case studies, exchange knowledge, and support new and existing partnerships across the innovation ecosystem. This month's member meeting also includes an interactive discussion on a topic of interest as proposed by our members.

  •  4/5/2023 08:30 PM
  •   Analog Devices in San Jose, California, USA

Innovation in the automotive industry spans the 4 CASE segments: Connectivity, Autonomy, Shared, Electric. New technologies in one segment lead to innovation in others. This meeting looks at the latest changes and startups across the automotive industry, with an agenda heavy on demos and networking.

  •  3/15/2023 08:30 AM - 3/16/2023 03:30 PM
  •   440 North Wolfe Road, Sunnyvale, CA, USA

Join Telecom Council members, telcos representing over 3B customers across 40 countries, and the vendors and investors that support innovation across the communications industry as they introduce their startup partners through cases studies, executive chats, rapid-fire pitches, demos, and roundtable discussions with telecom tech scouts, investors, and startups.

  •  3/7/2023 09:00 AM
  • Online Event

Telecom Council members get together after major tradeshows to debrief the news and announcements affecting their industry.

  •  2/16/2023 08:30 AM
  •   Qnovo in Milpitas, California, USA

Cleantech Council invites Telecom Council members to their February meeting: Innovation Review on BatteryTech. This 1/2 day agenda with talk about developments and introduce new companies and new technologies working to improve energy storage.

  •  2/14/2023 08:30 AM
  •   SK Telecom Americas, Santa Clara, CA, USA

Telecom Council members gather online this month to meet startups, discover new case studies, exchange knowledge, and support new and existing partnerships across the innovation ecosystem. This month's member meeting also includes an interactive discussion on xApp/rApp led by Deutsche Telekom.

  •  1/17/2023 10:30 AM
  •   SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, USA

Telecom Council Members open their lunch discussion on Secure Access Software Edge (SASE) to the public with an expert overview of the market, an interactive discussion, and demos from a few tech companies innovating in this space.

  •  1/17/2023 08:30 AM
  •   SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, USA

Telecom Council members gather in Silicon Valley this month to meet startups, discover new case studies, exchange knowledge, and support new and existing partnerships across the innovation ecosystem.

  •  1/12/2023 11:00 AM
  •   LG Silicon Valley Lab, 5150 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, CA, USA

Telecom Council members get together after major tradeshows to debrief the news and announcements affecting their industry.

  •  12/13/2022 08:30 AM
  •   Star Space, Sunnyvale, CA and online

Telecom Council members gather online this month to meet startups, discover new case studies, exchange knowledge, and support new and existing partnerships across the innovation ecosystem. This month's member meeting also includes an interactive discussion on CBRS.

  •  11/8/2022 11:00 AM
  •   SRI International, Menlo Park, CA and online

Telecom Council Members open their discussion on the metaverse to the public with an analyst view of the market, and then, in an unpanel format, we open the meeting to our audience, asking you to brainstorm the burning questions that our expert panel should address.

  •  11/8/2022 08:30 AM
  •   SRI International, Menlo Park, CA and online

Telecom Council members gather online this month to meet startups, discover new case studies, exchange knowledge, and support new and existing partnerships across the innovation ecosystem. This month's member meeting immediately precedes our Roundtable on the Metaverse.

  •  10/3/2022 08:30 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

Telecom Council members gather online this month to meet startups, discover new case studies, exchange knowledge, and support new and existing partnerships across the innovation ecosystem. This month includes a discussion around the news and announcements from MWC Las Vegas that are relevant to network operators.

  •  9/13/2022 08:30 AM
  •   Ericsson, Santa Clara, CA, & Online

Telecom Council and Cleantech Council meet at Ericsson in Santa Clara in September to review the challenges and opportunities for innovation and startups at the intersection of the communications and energy industries where bi-directional, high-speed, reliable, and secure data communications are transforming the industry.

  •  9/7/2022 08:30 AM
  •   Autotech Council's Virtual Meeting Room

IFA in Berlin presents the latest products and innovations in the heart of Europe’s most important regional market. IFAs comprehensive overview of the international market and attracts the attention of international trade visitors each year from more than 130 countries. Telecom Council debriefs relevant large tradeshows - so our members can share what they learned, what they saw, and their opinions of the products and companies in the news.

  •  8/16/2022 08:30 AM
  •   SK Telecom Americas, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA

Telecom Council members gather online this month to meet startups, discover new case studies, and exchange knowledge with their innovation colleagues across the global communications ecosystem.

  •  6/7/2022 08:45 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

Telecom Council members gather online this month to meet startups, discover new case studies, and exchange knowledge with their innovation colleagues across the global communications ecosystem.

  •  5/10/2022 08:30 AM
  •   SRI International, Menlo Park and Online

Join us to review the Class of 2022, watch their pitches live on Demo Day, and set aside time to meet the telco tech scouts, vendor partners, and communications industry investors who are committed to discovering the next set of innovation partners for the telecom industry. Showcase companies are selected based on their innovative solutions, readiness to deploy and ability to scale, and we look forward to introducing them to you on May 10.

  •  4/14/2022 08:30 AM
  •   Computer History Museum, Mountain View and Online

While we wait for widespread self-driving robotaxis, there are quiet yet dramatic advances every year intensifying the race to full autonomy; this is especially visible where global carmakers partner with startups. Join Autotech Council to discover new AV technologies and relevant emerging companies pushing the industry forward. This agenda includes demos, networking, and our Matchmaker Meeting Service option for 2 days of private follow up meetings and curated introductions with speakers, members, and guests working on the next generation of AV.

  •  4/12/2022 08:30 AM
  •   SK Telecom Americas, Santa Clara and Online

Telecom Council members gather online this month to meet startups, discover new case studies, exchange knowledge, and support new and existing partnerships across the innovation ecosystem.

  •  3/8/2022 12:00 PM
  •   BT @Plug and Play in Sunnyvale and Online

Telecom Council members get together after major tradeshows to debrief the news and announcements affecting their industry.

  •  3/8/2022 08:30 AM
  •   BT @Plug and Play in Sunnyvale and Online

5G has moved beyond theory into the practical realm. Although not yet ubiquitous, we can now see the early practical uses of 5G networks. Today's speakers will share deployement on 5G Home, AR, Health Care, Climate Change, Remote Driving and more. Join us to meet these innovators offering new solutions leveraging 5G capabilities.

  •  2/8/2022 08:30 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

Telecom Council members gather online this month to meet startups, discover new case studies, exchange knowledge, and support new and existing partnerships across the innovation ecosystem.

  •  1/11/2022 09:00 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

Telecom Council members gather online this month to meet startups, discover new case studies, exchange knowledge, and support new and existing partnerships across the innovation ecosystem. This month includes a discussion around the news and announcements from CES that are relevant to network operators.

  •  12/16/2021 08:30 AM
  •   Menlo Park, CA & Online

This meeting is open to Telecom Council members and their invited guests only. Telecom Council members meet monthly to discover companies, exchange knowledge, and support new and existing partnerships across the innovation ecosystem. Member delegates can join this meeting onsite in Silicon Valley or online in our Virtual Meeting Room.

  •  11/15/2021 08:30 AM - 11/16/2021 04:00 PM
  •   Online in Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

Telecom Council members, telcos representing over 3B customers across 40 countries and the vendors and investors that support innovation across the communications industry meet to review technologies, startups and case studies pushing CSPs into the future. TC3 presents operator case studies, startup pitches, technology demos, private roundtables, online exhibits and speed networking using Telecom Council's MatchMaker service.

  •  10/28/2021 08:30 AM
  •   Star Space, Sunnyvale and online

This meeting is open to Telecom Council members only. Telecom Council Forums meet monthly to discover companies, exchange knowledge, and above all build partnerships across the innovation ecosystem. Member delegates can join this meeting onsite in Silicon Valley or online in our Virtual Meeting Room

  •  9/23/2021 08:30 AM
  •   BT @Plug and Play in Sunnyvale and Online

A number of changes are taking place on the Radio Access Network of cellular carriers. Virtualization, Remote Radio Head, Cloud RAN, and Open RAN are some of the biggest changes, but 5G, multiband, and directionality are also adding layers. ComTech Forum meets this month with Rakuten, Tata, Ericsson and a packed agenda to introduce startups and innovations focused on the next generation of Radio Access Networks.

  •  8/19/2021 08:30 AM
  •   Star Space in Sunnyvale and Online

Members of all Telecom Council's Forums and member get together to discover companies, exchange knowledge, and above all build partnerships across the innovation ecosystem.

  •  7/15/2021 08:30 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

Join the IoT Forum in July as we explore new B2B2C services that will encompass video consultations, big data, wearables, AI, security, and communications to democratize and improve healthcare while lowering the cost for the provider.

  •  7/1/2021 09:00 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

After the first in-person MWC tradeshow in a long time, our analyst will report from the show, with the input of members, both those who attend online or in-person who share what they learned, what they saw, and their opinions of the products and companies that made an impression on them at this year's MWC Barcelona.

  •  6/17/2021 09:00 AM
  •   Telecom Council Virtual Meeting Room

Telecom innovation scouts, technology strategy experts, and corporate venture investors, and delegates from Telecom Council's ComTech, IoT and Service Provider Forums get together monthly to discover companies, review startups, and above all build partnerships across the communications ecosystem.

  •  6/17/2021 08:30 AM
  •   Telecom Council Virtual Meeting Room

SPIF members, who are exclusively tech scouts, R&D strategy, and investment professionals from global telcos, network operators and CSPs who are committed to partnering with, supporting and investing in startups and new technologies, meet privately before this month's Telecom Council Innovation Review to connect, share, and exchange ideas. This month's SPIF SPIF discussion is around what it take to deliver on the high bandwidth, low latency, and strong reliability promises of 5G.

  •  5/13/2021 08:00 AM - 5/14/2021 05:00 PM
  •   Telecom Council Portal

Join us to review the Class of 2021, watch their pitches live on Demo Day, and set aside time to meet the telco tech scouts, vendor partners, and communications industry investors who are committed to discovering the next set of innovation partners for the telecom industry. 18 spectacular Showcase companies have been selected and we look forward to introducing them to you on May 13. This year’s class cover a broad range of technologies, including 5G, Cloud, Edge, Open WiFi, AR, consumer engagement and more!

  •  4/22/2021 09:00 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

Members of all Telecom Council's Forums and member get together to discover companies, exchange knowledge, and above all build partnerships across the innovation ecosystem.

  •  4/22/2021 08:30 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

SPIF members, who are exclusively tech scouts, R&D strategy, and investment professionals from global telcos, network operators and CSPs who are committed to partnering with, supporting and investing in startups and new technologies, meet privately before this month's Telecom Council Innovation Review to connect, share, and exchange ideas. This month's SPIF roundtable discussion in on NFTs.

  •  4/15/2021 08:30 AM
  •   Autotech Council's Virtual Meeting Room

The next generation of connected cars benefit from innovation across connectivity and wireless, data and analytics, and apps and services to name a few. At this meeting you will discover new connected car technologies and relevant emerging companies the mobility industry needs to know about; and after the meeting you can take advantage of curated introductions over private 15-minute meetings.

  •  3/18/2021 08:30 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

This month, Telecom Council’s ComTech Forum opens their discussion on Energy in Telecom to the public. Improvements in energy efficiency, storage, and distribution are critical to the future of telecom - from powering networks to connecting consumers and all the infrastructure in between. Join us to discover technologies and startups working on reducing on reducing telecoms carbon footprint and energy usage.

  •  2/25/2021 08:30 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Lounge

This month's Startup Review introduces telcos, telecom vendors, communications investors and technology companies from around the world to the startups who are finishing the Facebook Accelerator: Connectivity program. The morning will include startup pitches, technology demos, and executive introductions.

  •  1/21/2021 08:30 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

For IoT to realize its promise of revolutionizing the communications landscape, security concerns will need to be addressed, for commercial and consumer users, and across network, device, and application layers. IoT Forum members, telcos, telecom vendors, tech scouts, and investors meet in January to assess the risks, identify the challenges and opportunities, and discover the innovation and startups working to secure the IoT. Hosted by Kelley Drye. Sponsored by Dispel

  •  1/15/2021 08:30 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

Telecom Council members and forward-thinking guests join Amy Cameron, Senior Analyst at STL Partners for a group discussion on the big changes in store for telecom, including vision/purpose on operators' success, NaaS disruptors, and capturing work from home opps. After which we will debrief CES 2021. Along with a Debrief Report from our analyst, our members share what they learned, what they saw, and their opinions of the products and companies that made an impression on them at the show.

  •  12/17/2020 08:30 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

Members of all Telecom Council's Forums get together to focus on discovering innovation, exchanging knowledge, growing professional networks, and above all building partnerships across the entire ecosystem. Buyers, sellers, and technology companies from around the world convene in Silicon Valley to meet startups and review new products with this month's meeting themed on smart manufacturing. Sponsored by Business Finland.

  •  11/19/2020 09:00 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

Members of all Telecom Council's Forums get together to focus on discovering innovation, exchanging knowledge, growing professional networks, and above all building partnerships across the entire ecosystem. Buyers, sellers, and technology companies from around the world convene in Silicon Valley this month to meet startups, review new products, plus listen to a case study where we introduce a company and their partner to talk about the deployment, the service, and how/why they work together.

  •  11/19/2020 08:30 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

SPIF members meet for private discussions on topics influencing the market before joining Telecom Council members to review the new technologies presented at this month’s Innovation Review. SPIF membership is by invitation only and exclusive to tech scouts, R&D strategy, and investment professionals from global telcos, network operators and CSPs who are committed to partnering with, supporting and investing in startups and new technologies as part of their global innovation strategy.

  •  11/4/2020 08:30 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

Is Private 5G going to knock CAT 5 cabling off the enterprise LAN pedestal? PWLAN will offer enterprise flexibility, speed, lower cost, and wider coverage than they’ve ever had, while maintaining security and control. Let’s discuss Private Cellular Networks, Wi-Fi6, and Network Slices to see where to invest.

  •  10/26/2020 08:30 AM - 10/27/2020 05:00 PM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

TC3 is a live online unconference, focused on discovering innovation and partnership opportunities across the communications ecosystem. TC3 replaces exhibit halls, speeches, and random networking with hands-on demos, real case studies, and personalized introductions. At TC3, global telcos and their cutting-edge telecom vendors mix with startups & investors, each commited to working with new partners to move the telecom industry into the future.

  •  9/24/2020 09:00 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

Members of all Telecom Council's Forums get together to focus on discovering innovation, exchanging knowledge, growing professional networks, and above all building partnerships across the entire ecosystem. Buyers, sellers, and technology companies from around the world convene in Silicon Valley this month to meet startups, review new products, plus listen to a case study where we introduce a company and their partner to talk about the deployment, the service, and how/why they work together.

  •  9/24/2020 08:30 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

SPIF members meet for private discussions on topics influencing the market before joining Telecom Council members to review the new technologies presented at this month’s Innovation Review. SPIF membership is by invitation only and exclusive to tech scouts, R&D strategy, and investment professionals from global telcos, network operators and CSPs who are committed to partnering with, supporting and investing in startups and new technologies as part of their global innovation strategy.

  •  9/17/2020 09:00 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

Logistics management is a vital, if not THE vital, component to business success. IoT offers a wide spectrum of products and services to smooth and improve the path from point of origin to point of consumption, monitoring conditions along the way. This meeting will introduce the opportunities and challenges around innovating in this market and we will discover some of the startups and technologies that will lead the way. Sponsored by Ericsson.

  •  8/27/2020 08:30 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

Members of all Telecom Council's Forums get together to focus on discovering innovation, exchanging knowledge, growing professional networks, and above all building partnerships across the entire ecosystem. Buyers, sellers, and technology companies from around the world convene in Silicon Valley this month to meet startups, review new products, plus listen to a case study where we introduce a company and their partner to talk about the deployment, the service, and how/why they work together.

  •  8/27/2020 08:30 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

SPIF members meet for private discussions on topics influencing the market before joining Telecom Council members to review the new technologies presented at this month’s Innovation Review. SPIF membership is by invitation only and exclusive to tech scouts, R&D strategy, and investment professionals from global telcos, network operators and CSPs who are committed to partnering with, supporting and investing in startups and new technologies as part of their global innovation strategy.

  •  7/15/2020 08:30 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

Innovation IntrodUKtions is a virtual trade mission introducing 20 UK companies to the telecom innovation ecosystem brought to us by UK’s Department for International Trade. This 2-day virtual trade mission introduces innovative young companies who are solving technology and business challenges across the communications and IoT ecosystems.

  •  6/25/2020 09:00 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

Members of all Telecom Council's Forums get together to focus on discovering innovation, exchanging knowledge, growing professional networks, and above all building partnerships across the entire ecosystem. Buyers, sellers, and technology companies from around the world convene in Silicon Valley this month to discover innovative young companies providing solutions for enterprises and individuals as business operations head home.

  •  6/25/2020 08:30 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

SPIF members meet for private discussions on topics influencing the market before joining Telecom Council members to review the new technologies presented at this month’s Innovation Review. SPIF membership is by invitation only and exclusive to tech scouts, R&D strategy, and investment professionals from global telcos, network operators and CSPs who are committed to partnering with, supporting and investing in startups and new technologies as part of their global innovation strategy.

  •  5/21/2020 08:30 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

Telecom Council’s 10th Annual Innovation Showcase will introduce young companies to the telco and telecom industry partners that can take them global. With 10 years of introducing communications startups to communications service providers, telecom vendors and investors, the Telecom Council has helped countless young companies get their first deal, fill a funding round, even start relationships that ended in acquisition.

  •  4/23/2020 09:30 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

Members of all Telecom Council's Forums get together to focus on discovering innovation, exchanging knowledge, growing professional networks, and above all building partnerships across the entire ecosystem. Buyers, sellers, and technology companies from around the world convene in Silicon Valley this month to meet startups, review new products, plus listen to a case study where we introduce a company and their partner to talk about the deployment, the service, and how/why they work together.

  •  4/23/2020 08:30 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

SPIF members meet for private discussions on topics influencing the market before joining Telecom Council members to review the new technologies presented at this month’s Innovation Review. SPIF membership is by invitation only and exclusive to tech scouts, R&D strategy, and investment professionals from global telcos, network operators and CSPs who are committed to partnering with, supporting and investing in startups and new technologies as part of their global innovation strategy.

  •  3/27/2020 09:00 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

Members of all Telecom Council's Forums get together to focus on discovering innovation, exchanging knowledge, growing professional networks, and above all building partnerships across the entire ecosystem. Buyers, sellers, and technology companies from around the world convene in Silicon Valley this month to meet startups, review new products, plus listen to a case study where we introduce a company and their partner to talk about the deployment, the service, and how/why they work together.

  •  3/27/2020 08:30 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

SPIF members meet for private discussions on topics influencing the market before joining Telecom Council members to review the new technologies presented at this month’s Innovation Review. SPIF membership is by invitation only and exclusive to tech scouts, R&D strategy, and investment professionals from global telcos, network operators and CSPs who are committed to partnering with, supporting and investing in startups and new technologies as part of their global innovation strategy.

  •  3/18/2020 09:00 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

Telcos are confronted with the challenge of adapting their legacy networks to accommodate the increasing demands of 5G, IoT and the associated data explosion. As they turn to cloud and virtualization technologies to transform the existing network, flexibility and opportunities to innovate increase. Join us as we discuss the challenges and profits of creating the modern, agile, telecom network.

  •  2/21/2020 09:30 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

Members of all Telecom Council's Forums get together to focus on discovering innovation, exchanging knowledge, growing professional networks, and above all building partnerships across the entire ecosystem. Buyers, sellers, and technology companies from around the world convene in Silicon Valley this month to meet startups, review new products, plus listen to a case study where we introduce a company and their partner to talk about the deployment, the service, and how/why they work together.

  •  2/21/2020 08:30 AM
  •   Telecom Council's Virtual Meeting Room

SPIF members meet for private discussions on topics influencing the market before joining Telecom Council members to review the new technologies presented at this month’s Innovation Review. SPIF membership is by invitation only and exclusive to tech scouts, R&D strategy, and investment professionals from global telcos, network operators and CSPs who are committed to partnering with, supporting and investing in startups and new technologies as part of their global innovation strategy.

  •  1/24/2020 09:30 AM
  •   KPMG, Santa Clara

Members of all Telecom Council's Forums get together to focus on discovering innovation, exchanging knowledge, growing professional networks, and above all building partnerships across the entire ecosystem. Buyers, sellers, and technology companies from around the world convene in Silicon Valley this month to meet startups, review new products, plus listen to a case study where we introduce a company and their partner to talk about the deployment, the service, and how/why they work together.

  •  1/24/2020 08:30 AM
  •   KPMG, Santa Clara

SPIF members meet for private discussions on topics influencing the market before joining Telecom Council members to review the new technologies presented at this month’s Innovation Review. SPIF membership is by invitation only and exclusive to tech scouts, R&D strategy, and investment professionals from global telcos, network operators and CSPs who are committed to partnering with, supporting and investing in startups and new technologies as part of their global innovation strategy.

  •  1/14/2020 08:30 AM
  •   SRI International, Menlo Park

Members of all Telecom Council's Forums get together after major tradeshows to debrief the news and announcements affecting their industry. This month we debrief CES 2020. Along with a Debrief Report from our analyst, our members share what they learned, what they saw, and their opinions of the products and companies that made an impression on them at the show.

  •  12/19/2019 08:30 AM
  •   Campo di Bocce, Fremont

The Service Provider Innovation Forum (SPIF), a group of tech scouts from global network operators who believe that entrepreneurs and startups are an important element of their global innovation strategy, meets in Silicon Valley every month to discover new companies and new technologies.

  •  12/19/2019 08:30 AM
  •   Campo di Bocce, Fremont

Telecom Council members, forums, and forward-thinking guests end the year together thinking about the future, debating the innovations likely to influence 2020, and enjoying spending some fun time with their innovation colleagues over lunch and bocce.

  •  12/12/2019 10:00 AM
  •   Nokia, Sunnyvale

The consumer IoT space is heating up, with Smart Home tech being adopted at an accelerating pace with customers entering the space via security, energy saving devices, lighting, media, & smart speakers. Smart Home "automation" is now being challenged to become "connected", thru integration with voice assistants or deeper automation via the device's app. This meeting will discuss the shifting role of automation, connection, & integration plus introduce new ideas & technology ready to be deployed.

  •  11/21/2019 10:30 AM
  •   Avanta Ventures, Mountain View

The IoT Forum is focused on discovering innovation, exchanging knowledge, growing professional networks, and above all building partnerships across the entire IoT ecosystem. Buyers, sellers, and technology companies from around the world convene in Silicon Valley each month to meet startups, see demos, review new products, listen to case studies, and build relationships - in highly efficient 1/2 day meetings. This month, our Forum meets with experts and buyers.

  •  11/21/2019 08:30 AM
  •   Avanta Ventures, Mountain View

The Service Provider Innovation Forum (SPIF), a group of tech scouts from global network operators who believe that entrepreneurs and startups are an important element of their global innovation strategy, meets in Silicon Valley every month to discover new companies and new technologies.

  •  11/13/2019 09:00 AM
  •   Samsung, Mountain View, CA, USA

5G is the hottest topic in telecom, as it’s expected to really take-off in 2020. Billions of dollars are about to be spent on next generation networks. So the Telecom Council is building a meeting that brings together the stakeholders, dealmakers, & tech shakers which are flipping the “on” switch for 5G. Our agenda will clarify what 5G is, cover the varied implementations, review the technologies, & discuss the business cases. Come join us & connect with the companies on the front lines of 5G.

  •  10/25/2019 12:00 PM
  •   Ericsson, Santa Clara

Members of all of Telecom Council's Forums get together after major tradeshows to debrief the news and announcements affecting their industry. This month we debrief Mobile World Congress Americas 2019. Along with a Debrief Report from our analyst, our members share what they learned, what they saw, and their opinions of the products and companies that made an impression on them at the show.

  •  10/25/2019 10:30 AM
  •   Ericsson, Santa Clara

At this month's meeting ComTech Forum members evaluate 3 innovative companies with new products from across a wide spectrum of communications industry technologies, followed by a case study where we introduce an telecom solution company and their customer to talk about the deployment, the service, and how/why they work together.

  •  10/25/2019 08:30 AM
  •   Ericsson, Santa Clara

The Service Provider Innovation Forum (SPIF), a group of tech scouts from global network operators who believe that entrepreneurs and startups are an important element of their global innovation strategy, meets in Silicon Valley every month to discover new companies and new technologies

  •  10/17/2019 08:30 AM
  •   SVB Financial Group, Santa Clara

IoT Forum members gather monthly in Silicon Valley to discover innovation, exchange knowledge, build their professional networks, and above all explore partnerships across the entire IoT ecosystem. This month, IoT Forum meets to explore opportunities and innovation in Industrial IoT.

  •  9/26/2019 11:30 AM
  •   SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, USA

Get a taste of TC3 by joining us for the Networking Lunch at the close of our 2nd day. In this annual celebration of innovation, we are honored to introduce members of the Innovation Showcase Class of 2019 and hear short pitches from many of them. After lunch, our Service Provider members announce the winners of the 12th Annual SPIFFY Awards.

  •  9/25/2019 08:30 AM - 10/30/2019 05:00 PM
  •   SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, USA

TC3 is a live online unconference, focused on discovering innovation and partnership opportunities across the communications ecosystem. TC3 replaces exhibit halls, speeches, and random networking with hands-on demos, real case studies, and personalized introductions. At TC3, global telcos and their cutting-edge telecom vendors mix with startups & investors, each commited to working with new partners to move the telecom industry into the future.

  •  8/28/2019 08:30 AM
  •   Edge Gravity by Ericsson, Santa Clara

Edge Computing is an important tool for networks to move applications and services closer to the customers and the data sources. It can potentially improve reliability, security, latency, agility, core network load, and performance. Join ComTech Forum Members and companies out on the edge of the network to review innovation, opportunities, and the startups working on Edge Compute. Sponsored by FogHorn Systems

  •  8/23/2019 10:30 AM
  •   KPMG, Santa Clara

The IoT Forum is focused on discovering innovation, exchanging knowledge, growing professional networks, and above all building partnerships across the entire IoT ecosystem. Buyers, sellers, and technology companies from around the world convene in Silicon Valley each month to meet startups, see demos, review new products, listen to case studies, and build relationships - in highly efficient 1/2 day meetings. This month, our Forum meets with experts and buyers.

  •  8/23/2019 08:30 AM
  •   KPMG, Santa Clara

The Service Provider Innovation Forum (SPIF), a group of tech scouts from global network operators who believe that entrepreneurs and startups are an important element of their global innovation strategy, meets in Silicon Valley every month to discover new companies and new technologies.

  •  6/26/2019 09:00 AM
  •   Sensors Expo, McEnery Convention Center, San Jose

IoT Forum meets in June at Sensors Expo in San Jose to look at innovation in Computer Vision. When coupled with the Internet of Things, computer vision allows devices to turn sensor data into actionable information. Join IoT Forum members, guests, and invited experts for an afternoon of innovation discovery, product demos, startup pitches, and great networking as we explore the opportunities around computer vision and machine vision in IoT.

  •  6/21/2019 10:30 AM
  •   NTT Communications @ Plug & Play, Sunnyvale

At this month's meeting ComTech Forum members evaluate 3 innovative companies with new products from across a wide spectrum of communications industry technologies, followed by a case study where we introduce an telecom solution company and their customer to talk about the deployment, the service, and how/why they work together..

  •  6/21/2019 08:30 AM
  •   NTT Communications @ Plug & Play, Sunnyvale

The Service Provider Innovation Forum (SPIF), a group of tech scouts from global network operators who believe that entrepreneurs and startups are an important element of their global innovation strategy, meets in Silicon Valley every month to discover new companies and new technologies.

  •  5/23/2019 10:30 AM
  •   Vodafone, Redwood City

The IoT Forum is focused on discovering innovation, exchanging knowledge, growing professional networks, and above all building partnerships across the entire IoT ecosystem. Buyers, sellers, and technology companies from around the world convene in Silicon Valley each month to meet startups, see demos, review new products, listen to case studies, and build relationships - in highly efficient 1/2 day meetings. This month, our Forum meets with experts and buyers.

  •  5/23/2019 08:30 AM
  •   Vodafone, Redwood City

The Service Provider Innovation Forum (SPIF), a group of tech scouts from global network operators who believe that entrepreneurs and startups are an important element of their global innovation strategy, meets in Silicon Valley every month to discover new companies and new technologies.

  •  5/16/2019 08:30 AM
  •   Nokia, Sunnyvale

Telcos began using Network Automation in 1891 when they first deployed electronic switches. Today, we can apply AI and Machine Learning to automate much of our Software-Defined Networks. Next, AI will be unleashed to manage business objectives like reducing cost and maximizing revenue. Join Telecom Council’s ComTech Forum members to review the emerging solutions, startups, and opportunities in the next phase of Network Automation.

  •  4/26/2019 10:30 AM
  •   Aviat Networks @ Silicon Valley Center, San Jose

At this month's meeting ComTech Forum members evaluate 3 innovative companies with new products from across a wide spectrum of communications industry technologies, followed by a case study where we introduce an telecom solution company and their customer to talk about the deployment, the service, and how/why they work together. Attendees are cautioned to use only the address portion into their GPS to be directed to the correct building on campus.

  •  4/26/2019 08:30 AM
  •   Aviat Networks @ Silicon Valley Center, San Jose

The Service Provider Innovation Forum (SPIF), a group of tech scouts from global network operators who believe that entrepreneurs and startups are an important element of their global innovation strategy, meets in Silicon Valley every month to discover new companies and new technologies. Attendees are cautioned to use only the address portion into their GPS to be directed to the correct building on campus.

  •  4/11/2019 08:30 AM
  •   Western Digital, Milpitas

Autotech Council and Telecom Council come together to discuss Connected Cars and the Passenger Economy. With discussions on the future of mobility services, the changes autonomous vehicles may have on fleets, cities and passengers, and how all of this gets connected, managed, and paid for. AVs are likely to change the way we use transportation, and our morning will focus on the emerging services and solutions, both inside and outside the vehicle, designed to meet our changing needs. After lunch, the Autotech Council invites the Telecom Council and the IoT Forum to discuss the questions that still exist, and therefore the opportunities available for innovation, around the passenger economy – including the type of connections, the responsibility for securing those connections, and subscription models that may be part of the connected vehicle and connected passengers. This full day agenda includes industry leaders, technology vendors, and industry analysts alongside startup pitches and tabletop demos. As always, we include plenty of time for networking, business discussions, and an interactive format that promotes relationships between member and non-member companies.

  •  3/22/2019 11:00 AM
  •   Serro, San Jose

The IoT Forum is focused on discovering innovation, exchanging knowledge, growing professional networks, and above all building partnerships across the entire IoT ecosystem. Buyers, sellers, and technology companies from around the world convene in Silicon Valley each month to meet startups, see demos, review new products, listen to case studies, and build relationships - in highly efficient 1/2 day meetings. This month, our Forum meets with experts and buyers.

  •  3/22/2019 08:30 AM
  •   Serro, San Jose

The Service Provider Innovation Forum (SPIF), a group of tech scouts from global network operators who believe that entrepreneurs and startups are an important element of their global innovation strategy, meets in Silicon Valley every month to discover new companies and new technologies.

  •  3/14/2019 08:30 AM
  •   Samsung, Mountain View

Join ComTech Forum's telco, vendor, startup and investor members in March to discover trends, innovation and startups in Modern Wireless Infrastructure. With 5G, networks are evolving in terms of design, equipment, and topology. But many changes are coming regardless of 5G, with some being implemented in 4G networks. Today’s meeting is focused on any significant changes in network design, whatever generation. Sponsored by Mavenir.

  •  3/6/2019 12:00 PM
  •   Ericsson, Santa Clara

Members of all of Telecom Council's Forums get together after major tradeshows to debrief the news and announcements affecting their industry. This month we debrief MWC Barcelona 2019. Along with a Debrief Report from our analyst, our members share what they learned, what they saw, and their opinions of the products and companies that made an impression on them at the show.

  •  2/22/2019 10:30 AM
  •   KPMG, Santa Clara

ComTech Forum meetings gather communications industry professionals who represent vendors, telcos, investors and startups focused on innovation. At this month's Innovation Review ComTech Forum members evaluate 3 innovative companies with new products from across a wide spectrum of communications industry technologies, followed by a case study where we introduce an telecom solution company and their customer to talk about the deployment, the service, and how/why they work together.

  •  2/22/2019 08:30 AM
  •   KPMG, Santa Clara

The Service Provider Innovation Forum (SPIF), a group of tech scouts from global network operators who believe that entrepreneurs and startups are an important element of their global innovation strategy, meets in Silicon Valley every month to discover new companies and new technologies.

  •  2/14/2019 08:30 AM
  •   Nokia, Sunnyvale

IoT Forum members gather monthly in Silicon Valley to discover innovation, exchange knowledge, build their professional networks, and above all explore partnerships across the entire IoT ecosystem. This month, IoT Forum meets to explore opportunities and innovation in Retail.

  •  1/25/2019 11:00 AM
  •   SRI International, Menlo Park

The IoT Forum is focused on discovering innovation, exchanging knowledge, growing professional networks, and above all building partnerships across the entire IoT ecosystem. Buyers, sellers, and technology companies from around the world convene in Silicon Valley each month to meet startups, see demos, review new products, listen to case studies, and build relationships - in highly efficient 1/2 day meetings. This month, our Forum meets with experts and buyers.

  •  1/25/2019 08:30 AM
  •   SRI International, Menlo Park

The Service Provider Innovation Forum (SPIF), a group of tech scouts from global network operators who believe that entrepreneurs and startups are an important element of their global innovation strategy, meets in Silicon Valley every month to discover new companies and new technologies.

  •  1/17/2019 08:30 AM
  •   SRI International, Menlo Park

Members of all of Telecom Council's Forums get together after major tradeshows to debrief the news and announcements affecting their industry. This month we debrief Consumer Electronics Show 2019. Along with a Debrief Report from our analyst, our members share what they learned, what they saw, and their opinions of the products and companies that made an impression on them at the show.

  •  12/6/2018 12:00 PM
  •   Itron, San Jose

IoT Forum members gather monthly in Silicon Valley to discover innovation, exchange knowledge, build their professional networks, and above all explore partnerships across the entire IoT ecosystem. This month, IoT Forum meets to explore opportunities and innovation in Smart Cities.

  •  11/16/2018 11:00 AM
  •   HPE, Palo Alto

Join ComTech Forum's telco, vendor, startup and investor members in November to discover trends, innovation and startups in Network Transformation. Leading telcos are well under way with their Digital Network Transformations. And for wireless carriers, 5G is a big impetus to update the entire network. This meeting examines the current state of Network Transformation, the available technologies, the upcoming tech, and the recent successes.

  •  11/15/2018 11:30 AM
  •   Nokia, Sunnyvale

Whether you agree that Predictive Analytics is the killer app for Industrial IoT or not, there is no arguing the massive amount of innovation coming out of this segment of IoT. Join telcos, vendors, startups, and investors involved in innovation in IoT for technology pitches, demos, case studies, and an expert panel at IoT Forum’s November meeting on Predictive Maintenance.

  •  10/17/2018 08:30 AM - 10/18/2018 05:00 PM
  •   Juniper Aspiration Dome Sunnyvale, California

TC3 is a live online unconference, focused on discovering innovation and partnership opportunities across the communications ecosystem. TC3 replaces exhibit halls, speeches, and random networking with hands-on demos, real case studies, and personalized introductions. At TC3, global telcos and their cutting-edge telecom vendors mix with startups & investors, each commited to working with new partners to move the telecom industry into the future.

  •  10/1/2018 10:00 AM
  •   Computer History Museum, Mountain View

Join ComTech Forum's telco, vendor, startup and investor members in October to discover innovation in Next Gen Wireless Technologies. As we look at the newest radio technologies that promise to re-invent the radio, we will attempt to sort the feasible from the futuristic and sift the speculation surrounding spectrum.

  •  9/21/2018 11:30 AM
  •   KPMG, Santa Clara

Members of all of Telecom Council's Forums get together after major tradeshows to debrief the news and announcements affecting their industry. This month we debrief Mobile World Congress Americas 2018. Along with a Debrief Report from our analyst, our members share what they learned, what they saw, and their opinions of the products and companies that made an impression on them at the show.

  •  9/20/2018 11:30 AM
  •   SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, USA

From the first connected device to a multi-layered network of sensors, analytics, AI, and visual reports, and actuators to react to decisions, connected "Things" are being deployed in industry. Together they are helping drive the 4th Wave of the Industrial Revolution, where real-time intelligence enhances productivity, cuts waste, and improves impact on the environment. Join IoT Forum members as we explore live case studies and dive into a discussion over lunch.

  •  8/29/2018 08:30 AM
  •   Nvidia, Santa Clara

Join ComTech Forum's telco, vendor, startup and investor members in August to discover innovation in energy management. Energy is a massive expense for carriers, and new energy-focused technologies from energy efficiency to renewable energy, promise to reduce Telecom energy expenses while meeting sustainability goals, improving performance, uptime guarantees, and preparing for growing demand.

  •  8/16/2018 08:30 AM
  •   Amazon, East Palo Alto

IoT and connected devices show incredible promise for revolutionizing logistics and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Real-time and granular location information enables an even more efficient supply chain or management of moving resources. We can only manage what we measure, and IIoT means better data. Join IoT Forum members as we explore live case studies and dive into a discussion over lunch with some invested guests and experts.

  •  6/28/2018 08:30 AM
  •   McEnery Convention Center San Jose, CA

IoT Forum members are the tech scouts and innovation executives from dozens of companies across the IoT industry. This month, we meet during Sensors Expo to review innovation in the sensors segment and highlight new technologies being deployed in sensors products, services, and AI. This ½-day, executive-format meeting highlights vendors who are leading the segment forward and brings dozens of undiscovered companies to the stage

  •  6/21/2018 08:30 AM
  •   Nokia, Sunnyvale, CA

Join ComTech Forum's telco, vendor, startup and investor members in June to discover innovation in Mobile Edge Computing. When we first focused on the topic of MEC last year, many wondered if it was just a vendor's effort to sell the next big thing, but it's becoming clear that MEC is the real deal. MEC is being used in large public events, for automation, for content and media, for core bandwidth reduction, and for low-latency services.

  •  5/22/2018 08:30 AM
  •   Citrix @ Templeton Conference Center Santa Clara, CA

The Innovation Showcase selects young companies with the potential to disrupt the communications industry to be introduced to service providers looking for partnerships and investors looking for telecom investments. These innovative companies have been invited to participate in a day of demos, pitches and personal, pre-scheduled meetings. We then open this meeting to the public to allow everyone with a stake in the telecommunications industry to meet these innovative young companies.

  •  5/16/2018 08:30 AM
  •   IoT World, Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara

IoT Forum members are the tech scouts and innovation executives from dozens of companies across the IoT industry. This month, we meet to discover innovation, review startups, see demos, and hear case studies from companies working on protecting IoT devices, networks, data, and services. This ½-day, executive-format meeting highlights vendors who are leading the segment forward and brings dozens of undiscovered companies to the stage

  •  4/20/2018 08:30 AM
  •   Prospect Silicon Valley, San Jose

Highlighting recent announcements from the NAB conference, members, telcos, vendors, service companies and startups working on TV and video solutions join our Lunch Roundtable to discuss current trends and technologies and what it takes for nascent content creation plays like Apple's recent foray to succeed.

  •  4/13/2018 08:30 AM
  •   Western Digital Milpitas, CA 95035

Join Autotech Council and IoT Forum members for our annual look at the innovations leading to Autonomous Driving. We try to hit this topic every year, because it is perhaps the most dynamic, rapidly changing technology category in the mobility industry, and the impact of progress is expected to be highly disruptive to professional drivers, commuting, ownership, sales, cities, energy, and the environment - to name a few.

  •  3/16/2018 08:30 AM
  •   Ericsson Santa Clara, CA

Members of all of Telecom Council's Forums get together after major tradeshows to debrief the news and announcements affecting their industry. This month we debrief MWC 2018 in Barcelona, Spain February 26 - March 1. Along with a Debrief Report from our analyst, our members share what they learned, what they saw, and their opinions of the products and companies that made an impression on them at the show.

  •  3/15/2018 08:30 AM
  •   Nokia Sunnyvale, CA

The IoT Forum is focused on discovering innovation, exchanging knowledge, growing professional networks, and above all building partnerships across the entire IoT ecosystem. Buyers, sellers, and technology companies from around the world convene in Silicon Valley each month to meet startups, see demos, review new products, listen to case studies, and build relationships - in highly efficient 1/2 day meetings. This month, our IoT Forum meets with experts and buyers from Energy.

  •  2/16/2018 12:00 PM
  •   Aviat Networks, Milpitas

Open source platforms and technologies may have significant impact on the cost of operating telecom networks. Besides potentially lowering the cost to a point where rural coverage makes sense, open source can take full advantage of white box trends, virtualization, and software-defined networking to reduce the cost and OpEx of a fixed and cellular network for deployment in underdeveloped regions, and could possibly bleed back into conventional markets. This month's ComTech Forum meeting on Open Source Telecom brings together members, telcos, vendors, service companies and startups working on open source technologies for rural, greenfield, and developing markets, including unlicensed and Facebook's OpenCellular project.

  •  2/14/2018 11:30 AM
  •   KPMG Santa Clara, CA

In the Internet of Things, a robot can be a connected "thing" and controlled from the Internet. But it gets much more interesting when those connected robotics establish connections with other "things." From there, imagine those connections extending from Local Area to Wide Area connections. Despite technical issues, the integration of robots within the IoT can offer great advantages in many fields, and both entrepreneurs and investors are committed to this segment.

  •  2/8/2018 12:00 AM
  •   Silicon Valley Bank Santa Clara, CA

Futurists and communication industry leaders gather with ComTech Forum members to kick off the year with ideas for what's next in 2018.

  •  1/19/2018 12:00 PM
  •   Samsung Mountain View, CA

Members of all of Telecom Council's Forums get together after major tradeshows to debrief the news and announcements affecting their industry. This month we debrief CES 2018 in Las Vegas, NV January 9-12. Along with a Debrief Report from our analyst, our members share what they learned, what they saw, and their opinions of the products and companies that made an impression on them at the show.

  •  1/18/2018 08:30 AM
  •   GE Ventures Menlo Park, CA

While IIoT is more demanding than consumer IoT - with data security requirements, physical security, long life-cycles, and significant CapEx - the ROI is relatively massive potentially saving millions of dollars in operational efficiency from better data, better decisions, and faster responsiveness. That's why industrial users are willing to invest $500B on Industrial IoT (IIoT) solutions by 2020. Join this month to meet startups, demos, case studies, and experts in the IIoT segment.

  •  12/12/2017 05:00 PM
  •   Nokia, Sunnyvale CA

This informal networking gathering welcomes all stakeholders (member or not) involved in communications innovation. There are no speakers, and the only item on the agenda is connecting with each other and building stronger relationships across the industry while checking out some new technologies at the demo tables. We'll bring festive food and drink – you bring the insight and opinions for which Telecom Council meetings are known, and don't forget plenty of business cards.

  •  12/12/2017 03:00 PM
  •   Nokia, Sunnyvale CA

The ComTech Forum meets this month on Artificial Intelligence together with 50+ members, telcos, vendors and startups. Our panel will discuss these exciting uses of AI in communications networks, and will be a great kick-off to Demopalooza, which runs immediately after the panel. Expect to see some AI startups among the wide-range of companies among the demos.

  •  12/7/2017 08:30 AM
  •   Samsung, Mouhtain View CA

The IoT Forum is focused on discovering innovation, exchanging knowledge, growing professional networks, and above all building partnerships across the entire IoT ecosystem. Buyers, sellers, and technology companies from around the world convene in Silicon Valley each month to meet startups, see demos, review new products, listen to case studies, and build relationships - in highly efficient 1/2 day meetings.

  •  12/1/2017 12:00 PM
  •   Prospect Silicon Valley, San Jose CA

Now that we are all comfortable with Cloud Computing, it’s time to make things more complicated. Hybrid cloud mixes on-premises, private cloud and third-party, public cloud services with communication between them. Luckily, we have some experts among our membership to talk through technologies, the orchestration, and some early deployments.

  •  11/28/2017 12:00 PM
  •   Intel Corporation, Santa Clara

The ComTech Forum meets this November on the topic of Network Transformation in the context of 5G. Join together with 100+ members, telcos, vendors and startups to discover the changes in the network and new opportunities for the edge of the network as 5G progresses. ComTech Forum meetings are short, packed, interactive discussions with highly-focused networking and plenty of demos.

  •  11/8/2017 08:30 AM
  •   Cisco Jasper Santa Clara, CA

The IoT Forum is focused on discovering innovation, exchanging knowledge, growing professional networks, and above all building partnerships across the entire IoT ecosystem. Buyers, sellers, and technology companies from around the world convene in Silicon Valley each month to meet startups, see demos, review new products, listen to case studies, and build relationships - in highly efficient 1/2 day meetings.

  •  11/1/2017 08:30 AM - 11/2/2017 04:00 PM
  •   Computer History Museum, Mountain View CA

100s of global fixed and wireless telecom operators converge on Silicon Valley to discover innovation, build partnerships, meet startups, and set out their 2018 innovation roadmaps at TC3 2017 in Mountain View, CA.

  •  10/12/2017 08:30 AM
  •   Nest Labs, Inc. Palo Alto, CA 94304

The IoT Forum is focused on discovering innovation, exchanging knowledge, growing professional networks, and above all building partnerships across the entire IoT ecosystem. Buyers, sellers, and technology companies from around the world convene in Silicon Valley each month to meet startups, see demos, review new products, listen to case studies, and build relationships - in highly efficient 1/2 day meetings.

  •  10/5/2017 08:30 AM
  •   Nest Labs, Inc. Palo Alto, CA

The ComTech Forum members and guests meet this month with TIA members members and guests, to discuss the Connecting the Internet of Things as part of the TIA Workshop. After our morning ComTech Forum meeting, attendees are invited to stay for TIA's afternoon agenda covering Smart Communities and Transportation.

  •  9/29/2017 12:00 PM
  •   Ericsson Santa Clara, CA 95054

GSMA Mobile World Congress Americas, in partnership with CTIA, will bring 30,000 mobile professionals to Moscone Center in San Francisco from September 12-14, 2017. Telecom Council members gather afterwards to debrief the show.

  •  9/7/2017 08:30 AM
  •   Nokia Sunnyvale, CA 94086

The IoT Forum community is focused on discovering innovation, exchanging knowledge, growing professional networks, and above all building partnerships across the ecosystem. Participants from around the world convene in Silicon Valley each month to meet startups, see demos, review new products, listen to case studies, and introduce buyers to sellers - in highly efficient 1/2 day meetings. This month, our Buyer's Lunch will feature buyers from Asset Monitoring.

  •  8/30/2017 08:30 AM
  •   CableLabs Sunnyvale, CA

Join telcos, vendors, investors, and startups working on Customer Experience as we look at using new technology to improve loyalty, churn, and the critical challenge of CEM for the modern Service Provider.

  •  7/18/2017 08:30 AM
  •   Silicon Valley Bank Santa Clara, CA

Join telcos, vendors, startups and investors to discover academic progress and commercial opportunities for using AI and Deep/Machine learning in telecom networks.

  •  7/13/2017 08:30 AM
  •   Parkmerced Labs San Francisco, CA

The IoT Forum community is focused on discovering innovation, exchanging knowledge, growing professional networks, and above all building partnerships across the ecosystem. Participants from around the world convene in Silicon Valley each month to meet startups, see demos, review new products, listen to case studies, and introduce buyers to sellers - in highly efficient 1/2 day meetings. This month, our Buyer's Lunch will feature buyers from Smart Communities.

  •  6/1/2017 08:30 AM
  •   Orange Silicon Valley San Francisco, CA

ComTech Forum's meeting on SD-WAN will explore virtualizing networks, and disrupting the provisioning of connectivity for enterprise VPNs. MPLS and other services are under threat from this agile new alternative. Join ComTech Forum members, telcos, vendors, and startups meet to learn about SD-WAN and the disruptions and opportunities it presents.

  •  5/3/2017 12:00 PM
  •   Qualcomm Technologies Santa Clara, CA

ComTech Forum meets monthly in Silicon Valley with dozens of telcos, vendors, startups and VCs. This month, we discuss 5G and how remarkably 5G technology is positioned to arrive early! Are you ready? Get up to speed on what variants of 5G will emerge first, where and when, and how they will be used.

  •  4/28/2017 12:00 PM
  •   Ruckus Wireless Sunnyvale, CA

ComTech Forum meets monthly with dozens of telcos, vendors, startups and VCs. Join us this month to discuss connecting the Internet of things over lunch. As we inch towards 50 Billion connected devices, it's still not clear what slices of the pie each connectivity solution will own. What networks will connect the Things?

  •  4/13/2017 08:30 AM
  •   Elektrobit, San Jose

The impact of connectivity on the automotive industry is massive. But the ways cars, their owners and passengers currently connect are immature: Customers must choose one specific carrier SIMs must be programmed for a specific, region-based carrier Few pricing options are available Customer interfaces for buying connectivity are an afterthought Who pays for connectivity is not settled The Council is convinced this is about to improve quickly. Customers will soon buy cars with programmable SIM cards, their choice of carrier. They will be able to select pricing models on the car's screen, and subscribe/pay on the spot. Annual, monthly, daily…and even one-time rates will be offered. Also, customers will be able to choose which services they want to enable in their car, such as safety only, infotainment, or hotspot Wi-Fi. In our meeting about the Connected Car, we'll discuss the emerging service offerings, technologies, business models, and pricing models that consumers can choose. This meeting brings together the Telecom Council and its network operators with IOT Forum and Autotech Council members.

  •  3/23/2017 08:30 AM
  •   Plug and Play Tech Center Sunnyvale, CA

ComTech Forum's meeting on VR and AR will discover the fun and interesting opportunities presented by these modern visual technologies. Join ComTech Forum members, telcos, vendors, and startups meet to discuss new developments, hardware, content, and network implications of high resolution, low latency 3D immersion. SPONSORED BY: QUALCOMM

  •  3/8/2017 12:00 PM
  •   Citrix Santa Clara, CA

Telecom Council members debrief the news and announcements from MWC led by industry analyst Derek Kerton.

  •  2/15/2017 08:30 AM
  •   Aviat Networks Milpitas, CA

Cyber Security is incredibly important, and a growing concern for the consumers of mobile telecoms and fixed connectivity Internet services. Join 100+ Telecom Council members, telcos, vendors, and startups to review policy, technology, and services that can win back the public trust, and ensure demand for connected services.

  •  1/27/2017 12:00 PM
  •   Microsemi San Jose, CA

Telecom Council meets monthly for lunch with dozens of telcos, vendors, startups and VCs. This month members will meet for lunch to examine to hear ideas and services that can capitalize on lower latency in 5G networks

  •  1/11/2017 04:00 PM
  •   Silicon Valley Bank Santa Clara, CA

Futurists and communication industry leaders gather to kick off the year with ideas for what's next in 2017.

  •  1/11/2017 01:00 PM
  •   Silicon Valley Bank Santa Clara, CA

Members of all Telecom Council's Forums get together after major tradeshows to debrief the news and announcements affecting their industry. This month we debrief CES 2017. Along with a Debrief Report from our analyst, our members share what they learned, what they saw, and their opinions of the products and companies that made an impression on them at the show.

  •  12/15/2016 03:00 PM
  •   Nokia, Sunnyvale CA

Telecom Council meets monthly with dozens of telcos, vendors, startups and VCs. In December, join 50+ Telecom Council members and FinTech experts to review innovation where communications overlaps with the finance industry.

  •  12/15/2016 12:00 AM
  •   Nokia, Sunnyvale, CA

If you have not Paloozed a Demo recently . . . this is the place! 30 Demos! Agenda-free! Raffle-Mania! Great food! Adult beverages! Smack-dab in Silicon Valley

  •  12/2/2016 12:00 PM
  •   Ericsson in Santa Clara, CA

Telecom Council meets monthly for lunch with dozens of telcos, vendors, startups and VCs. This month we review indoor infra: small cells, LBS, and public venues. Meet opportunity and startups on the move.

  •  11/17/2016 09:00 AM
  •   Citrix in Santa Clara, CA

100+ Telecom Council members, telcos, vendors, and startups meet to discuss the changing role of Cloud on video, web, TV, media, collaboration, and other aspects of video.

  •  11/8/2016 12:00 PM
  •   Swisscom in Menlo Park, CA

Telecom Council meets monthly for lunch with dozens of telcos, vendors, startups and VCs. This month, telcos, vendors, startups, and VCs meet for lunch to discuss if containers can improve NFV.

  •  10/28/2016 12:00 PM
  •   DoCoMo Innovation, Palo Alto CA

Telecom Council meets monthly for lunch with dozens of telcos, vendors, startups and VCs. This month we will meet for lunch to examine how AI can be applied to the massive operations of telcos, and improve the bottom line.

  •  10/20/2016 08:30 AM
  •   Nest Labs, Palo Alto CA

100+ Telecom Council members, telcos, vendors, and startups meet to discuss booming Connected Home. Come and meet new partners, products, opportunities, and solutions.

  •  9/28/2016 08:30 AM - 9/29/2016 04:00 PM
  •   Computer History Museum, Mountain View CA

100s of global fixed and wireless telecom operators converge on Silicon Valley to discover innovation, build partnerships, meet startups, and set out their 2017 innovation roadmaps at TC3 2016 in Mountain View, CA.

  •  9/14/2016 12:00 PM
  •   Qualcomm, Santa Clara CA

Telecom Council meets monthly for lunch with dozens of telcos, vendors, startups and VCs. This month our 5G meeting picks up from where our 4.5G LTE meeting left off. If you want to learn about the tech, use cases, and business of 5G, join the discussion.

  •  9/14/2016 10:00 AM
  •   Qualcomm, Santa Clara CA

Telecom Council members debrief the news and announcements from CTIA Super Mobility 2016 led by industry analyst Derek Kerton.

  •  8/31/2016 08:30 AM
  •   Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Palo Alto CA

100+ Telecom Council members, telcos, vendors, and startups meet to learn to tame NFV and orchestrate the virtualized future of telecom networks.

  •  8/26/2016 12:00 PM
  •   Samsung, Mountain View CA

Telecom Council meets monthly for lunch with dozens of telcos, vendors, startups and VCs. This month we will meet over lunch to review Blockchain technology, and its uses in communication.

  •  7/6/2016 12:00 PM
  •   KPMG, Santa Clara CA

Telecom Council meets monthly for lunch with dozens of telcos, vendors, startups and VCs. This month we will meet for lunch to debate if eSIM will make it easier to embed cellular radios in small devices, and make them globally portable.

  •  6/24/2016 12:00 PM
  •   Oracle, Redwood City CA

Telecom Council meets monthly for lunch with dozens of telcos, vendors, startups and VCs. Join Telecom Council members to discuss ETSI’s Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) initiative that puts cloud computing at the edge of the mobile network for ultra-low latency, high bandwidth and access to RAN information for enterprise users.

  •  6/2/2016 08:30 AM
  •   VMware, Palo Alto CA

Analytics discussion with Case Studies: Join 100+ Telecom Council members members, telcos, vendors, startups, and VCs to discuss Analytics, and to share learnings from real-world implementations.

  •  5/26/2016 12:00 PM
  •   Nokia, Sunnyvale CA

Telecom Council meets monthly for lunch with dozens of telcos, vendors, startups and VCs. vCPE are one of the hottest parts of a hot topic: NFV. We'll discuss applications and uses of vCPE in the enterprise and consumer spaces.

  •  5/11/2016 08:30 AM
  •   Marvell, Santa Clara CA

Join 100+ Telecom Council members, telcos, vendors, startups, and VCs to discuss the evolution of LTE, learn how trials are going, and introduce some of the promising new technologies and startups that can deliver more bandwidth at lower costs per MB.

  •  4/29/2016 12:00 PM
  •   Cable Labs, Sunnyvale CA

Telecom Council members debrief the news and announcements from NAB led by industry analyst Derek Kerton.

  •  4/13/2016 12:00 PM
  •   Microsemi, San Jose CA

Telecom Council meets monthly for lunch with dozens of telcos, vendors, startups and VCs. This month we will meet for lunch to discuss how big data and analytics can help your business understand your users and what makes them happy, loyal customers.

  •  4/8/2016 12:00 PM
  •   Maxim Integrated, San Jose CA

Autotech & Telecom Councils' autonomous vehicles discussion with 100+ OEMs, Tier 1 vendors, telcos, VCs and innovative startups in auto and telco markets. These ½-day, executive-format agendas highlight a few larger vendors who are leading the segment forward and bring dozens of undiscovered companies to the stage as well.

  •  3/23/2016 12:00 PM
  •   DOCOMO Innovations, Palo Alto CA

Telecom Council meets monthly for lunch with dozens of telcos, vendors, startups and VCs. This month we will meet over lunch to learn more about the changes in the LEO satellite space.

  •  3/18/2016 08:30 AM
  •   Juniper Networks Aspiration Dome Sunnyvale, CA

The Innovation Showcase is an innovation competition where member judges select young companies with the potential to disrupt the industry to be introduced to service providers looking for partnerships and investors looking for telecom investments.

  •  3/9/2016 08:30 AM
  •   Ericsson, San Jose CA

Telecom Council gathers 100+ telcos, vendors, startups, and VCs to review where the Cloud is now, the opportunity for Elastic Compute and XaaS, and technologies on the move.

  •  3/2/2016 12:00 PM
  •   Brocade, San Jose CA

Telecom Council members debrief the news and announcements from MWC 2016 led by industry analyst Derek Kerton

  •  2/19/2016 12:00 PM
  •   Imagination Technologies, Santa Clara CA

Telecom Council meets monthly for lunch with dozens of telcos, vendors, startups and VCs. This month we will meet for lunch to consider some of the radical infrastructure technologies that may affect telecom. Let's rethink infrastructure.

  •  2/4/2016 12:00 PM
  •   Allied Arts Guild, Menlo Park CA

Telecom Council meets monthly for lunch with dozens of telcos, vendors, startups and VCs. This month we will meet for lunch to debate which MDM solutions will win IoT, and which startups are on the move

  •  2/2/2016 08:30 AM
  •   Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Palo Alto CA

Telecom Council gathers 100+ telcos, vendors, startups, and VCs to review the results of NFV trials and which virtualization technologies and startups are on the move.

  •  1/29/2016 12:00 PM
  •   Nokia, Sunnyvale CA

Telecom Council meets monthly for lunch with dozens of telcos, vendors, startups and VCs. This month we will be looking at the tech, startups, solutions, and ways that network operators can win in the Cloud services market.

  •  1/21/2016 08:30 AM
  •   Dell, Santa Clara CA

Telecom Council gathers 100+ telcos, vendors, startups, and VCs to discover new trends, technologies, hardware, solutions, and companies that are innovating in real-time analytics technologies, solutions and products.

  •  1/13/2016 04:00 PM
  •   Quadrus, Menlo Park CA

Telecom Council meets monthly for lunch with dozens of telcos, vendors, startups and VCs. This month members and their executive guests are invited to share their ideas and opinions on the wireless and telecom industries for 2016.

  •  5/21/2015 12:00 PM
  •   Qualcomm, Santa Clara, CA

Telecom Council Roundtable discussions provide a unique opportunity for telecom and wireless decision makers to network with decision makers in the space, review some new technologies, contribute to the discussion, and get answers from topic experts - the discussion is driven by your questions, not ours. The topic on the table for this month, Analytics – Making Big Data Work for Telcos, is sure to bring a very interactive debate, so bring your opinions and business cards.

  •  5/13/2015 08:30 AM
  •   Plug and Play Tech Center, Sunnyvale, CA

This month's Deep Dive meeting brings together thought leaders in the Payments ecosystem to discover new technologies, network, and exchange insight. In true Telecom Council style, our Deep Dives are short, packed, interactive discussions with top-notch networking.

  •  4/21/2015 12:00 PM
  •   DOCOMO Innovations, Palo Alto, CA

Telecom Council Roundtable discussions provide a unique opportunity for telecom and wireless decision makers to network with decision makers in the space, review some new technologies, contribute to the discussion, and get answers from topic experts - the discussion is driven by your questions, not ours. The topic on the table for this month, Analytics – Making Big Data Work for Telcos, is sure to bring a very interactive debate, so bring your opinions and business cards.

  •  3/25/2015 12:00 PM
  •   Deutsche Telekom, Mountain View, CA

Telecom Council Roundtable discussions provide a unique opportunity for telecom and wireless decision makers to network with decision makers in the space, review some new technologies, contribute to the discussion, and get answers from topic experts - the discussion is driven by your questions, not ours. The topic on the table for this month, Spectrum and Unlicensed Spectrum, is sure to bring a very interactive debate, so bring your opinions and business cards.

  •  3/18/2015 08:30 AM
  •   Imagination Technologies, Santa Clara, CA

This month’s Deep Dive meeting brings together thought leaders in the Wearables ecosystem to discover new technologies, network, and exchange insight. In true Telecom Council style, our Deep Dives are short, packed, interactive discussions with top-notch networking.

  •  2/18/2015 12:00 PM
  •   Ruckus Wireless, Sunnyvale, CA

Telecom Council Roundtable discussions provide a unique opportunity for telecom and wireless decision makers to network with decision makers in the space, review some new technologies, contribute to the discussion, and get answers from topic experts - the discussion is driven by your questions, not ours. The topic on the table for this month, Spectrum and Unlicensed Spectrum, is sure to bring a very interactive debate, so bring your opinions and business cards.