100+ Telecom Council members, telcos, vendors, and startups meet to discuss the changing role of Cloud on video, web, TV, media, collaboration, and other aspects of video.

  • Date:11/17/2016 09:00 AM
  • Location Citrix in Santa Clara, CA (Map)

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Agenda, Attendee List and Presentations are available to members in the PRESENTATION LIBRARY  

Silicon Valley, California, Nov 12 2016/Meeting Recap/ At the Council’s meeting about Video from the Cloud, we had a mix of insightful presentations, and rapid-fire pitches from startups and vendors. Derek Kerton, the Council’s in-house analyst discussed how Video from the Cloud is as important now as it ever was. He illustrated that many technology scouts who pay attention to the cutting edge have lost interest in Cloud Video, because it appears to be mature, old hat, and yesterday’s news. But Kerton showed data from ABI Research that shows that video is shifting from hardware to Cloud sectors, and that there is 17% growth projected for the sector until 2021. While many established players are just doing ongoing business, such as Netflix, YouTube, there is still tremendous growth for those established players, but new players keep entering, new use cases keep coming up, new technology keeps changing the game, and new business models are disrupting the sector in a repeating way.

Kerton said key drivers of change include:


  • Vertical Integration (ex: Verizon’s media)
  • Unyielding growth
  • Cord cutting
  • New client devices, smart TVs
  • Shift to mobile, anywhere consumption
  • DTC Biz models (HBO sans cable)
  • Conferencing (Consumer and biz)
  • UGC
  • Real-Time Streaming (ex: FB Live)
  • Security cams

  • 4K and 8K
  • VR and AR
  • 360 video spheres
  • WebRTC
  • Interactive Video
  • 5G (both to meet, and drive demand)
  • Enterprise use cases

Meanwhile, our meeting enjoyed presentations from John Bukowsky from host Citrix, who illustrated virtualization’s role in delivering efficiencies in the Cloud. We heard from Thierry Fautier, VP of Video Strategy at Harmonic, who presented and offered a vibrant discussion during Q&A. Fautier discussed important technical details like Codecs and processor load, but also the surrounding rights issues, business drivers, and standards battles that prevent simple solutions to an “any content, any device” world.

Our meeting was rounded-out by 7 rapid fire presentations, where we got demos and quick-views into various solutions for business conferencing from the cloud, WebRTC, Cloud Video as an enabler in better customer support, encoding, distribution, content management for aggregators, and other useful implementations.

The take-away is that there are major disruptive shifts taking place. Video is moving to the cloud in many ways, offering opportunity. The Cloud-based solutions are evolving and improving. Growth in consumption is huge, client devices are changing, business models are changing, new use cases are emerging steadily, there is consolidation in the industry, and startups are enjoying exits. Like it or not, Cloud Video is hot.

Members can access presenter powerpoints here with videos from our demo companies on youtube.

Agenda, Attendee List and Presentations are available to members in the PRESENTATION LIBRARY