Agenda, Attendee List, & Presentation files now available to Telecom Council members in the library.

IoT Forum members gather monthly in Silicon Valley to discover innovation, exchange knowledge, build their professional networks, and above all explore partnerships across the entire IoT ecosystem. This month, IoT Forum meets to explore opportunities and innovation in Smart Cities.

  • Date:12/6/2018 12:00 PM
  • Location Itron, San Jose (Map)


Agenda, Attendee List and Presentations are available to members in the PRESENTATION LIBRARY

Silicon Valley, California, Dec 6, 2018/Meeting Recap/ The IoT Forum held its last meeting of the year on December 6, tackling the subject of Smart Cities. The meeting brought together speakers including City IT Managers, platform vendors, SIs, and innovators with new devices or solutions. We were hosted by Itron, which purchased the well-known Silver Springs Networks, which has long provided municipal solutions for utilities management and measurement.

The meeting kicked off with a welcome from Itron, then an analyst presentation by Alex Glaser, VP at Harbor Research, who gave us a wide view of the market, as well as growth prospects. The meeting then carried on with a series of high quality speakers telling us about ideas and case studies that have been proven to work in deployments. The discussed solutions included:

  • Private/public partnerships
  • Sensors, and ways of augmenting the value of existing sensors and data
  • Public Safety, for example, an intelligent solution for emergency vehicles to switch traffic lights to green
  • Open data, and the value of unleashing an independent innovation community on your challenges

We also heard from six innovators in the space, with rapid pitches of their offerings. Solutions included clean air technologies, to AI for managing the smart city.

Thank you to Itron for hosting, and to all our speakers. The presentations are available for download in the Member Library. The IoT Forum wishes you all a great end-of-year, and we’ll see you in 2019!

Agenda, Attendee List and Presentations are available to members in the PRESENTATION LIBRARY