Agenda, Attendee List, & Presentation files now available to Telecom Council members in the library.

The IoT Forum is focused on discovering innovation, exchanging knowledge, growing professional networks, and above all building partnerships across the entire IoT ecosystem. Buyers, sellers, and technology companies from around the world convene in Silicon Valley each month to meet startups, see demos, review new products, listen to case studies, and build relationships - in highly efficient 1/2 day meetings.

  • Date:12/7/2017 08:30 AM
  • Location Samsung, Mouhtain View CA (Map)


Agenda, Attendee List and Presentations are available to members in the PRESENTATION LIBRARY

Silicon Valley, California, Dec 2017/Meeting Recap/ We’re off to see the Doctor, the Wonderful Doctor of Oz…  Applying IoT Magic to Healthcare

The December gathering of the IoT Forum focused on Healthcare with a wide array of innovative firms presenting across the Healthcare value chain.

With presentations from start-ups and established firms, the rich dialogue culminated in a roundtable conversation looking at the issues facing the Healthcare market.

The always clever Derek Kerton hit upon the use of the Wizard of Oz as a connecting analogy across the presentations by customers, a branch of Dad humor  that meeting chair, John Feland of Argus Insights was more than delighted to spread throughout the day.

The day kicked off with a presentation by Ulrich from Object Security sharing their policy management solution for hospital environments, while he assured the audience no flying monkeys were harmed in the rollout of his firms device level solution designed to secure connections between older medical equipment, newer IoT enabled solutions, all the way up to Electronic Healthcare Records solutions like Epic.

Shifting to matters of the heart, Ryan of Valencell walked the audience through the growing performance of their optical heart rate sensors and their ability to detect and report on more than just the beating of your heart.  Seeing an increased adoption in higher-end medical equipment, Valencell’s success in consumer wearables continues to bear fruit.

Then Kristian from Meru Health shifted our focus to the brain and Meru’s early success in treating depression at scale through an online platform, disrupting the current practice of in-person therapy coupled with medication.  Meru’s focus on B2B is targeting firms looking to offer Meru’s impactful 8-week program as an employee benefit in high stress environments like the medical profession, high tech and more.

Continuing our Wizard of Oz analogy, remembering the group falling victim to poppies and sleeping on the way to Oz, Aurélie of Rythm dazzled the audience with their Dreem sleep aid.  Given the importance of non chemically induced sleep to the long-term health of humans, the early results from Dreem’s early adopters are a wake-up call to the rest of the industry, with the ability to approach the performance of the same equipment used by sleep clinics to guide users to better sleep in a matter of weeks.

The next session kicked off with John from Quietyme (Quiet Time) appearing like the Wizard of Oz himself over Skype from a chilly Wisconsin.  Their suite of sensors and software are offering silence as a service, helping hospitals and other noisy environments identify and mitigate sources of disruption.  Once in place, their sensor network is also being used to connect richer patent-caregiver communications so that patients can do more than just ring the call button, but request specific help without the cacophony of beeps and squeaks ringing through the halls.

Dosime, an internal startup of Mirion Technologies, was well represented by Cindy as she walked the audience through a world where everyone can have an active dosimeter, providing measurement and warnings of radiation exposure.

Netfoundry, a spinoff from Tata Communications, introduced the audience to their magical method of obscuring IoT connections by hopping across nodes within a mix of private and public networks.

Our case study was a combined presentation of Polestar and Connexient sharing how they use their location-based crystal ball to help hospital visitors and residents with wayfinding (think the Wicked Witch of the West’s crystal ball used to find Dorothy and her crew).  With plans to expand services to include asset tracking in medical environments, the robust partnership between these two firms is having a serious impact on care quality in their hospital customers.

The final session deviated a bit from past IoT Forum events

We leveraged the group genius to walk through what we collectively saw as the challenges and opportunities available in the Healthcare Market.

  • Regulations as a barrier to innovation
  • Too much authority spread across too many agencies without responsibility
  • What is the ROI/Business Model that is sustainable for firms
  • Healthcare at the Edge rather relying purely on Cloud storage and compute
  • Healthcare as a multisided market with multiple economic and influencing buyers
  • Smart cities can contribute to the efficacy of treatment (case where transporting elderly to appointments increased quality of care)
  • Tremendous needs for Interoperability and standards across the market
  • 20% of US GDP goes to Healthcare
  • The perineal question of who owns the data
  • How can we align the myriad of incentives towards patient outcomes?
  • Pharma logistics, tracking from manufacturer to patient is a key IoT area

Having exposed the man behind the curtain, and ignoring his advice to pay no attention, our audience left the Emerald City with plenty of food for thought about the role IoT is going to play in improving healthcare for provider and patient.

Thanks to Samsung for hosting us!

All presentations are available to IoT Forum members in the Member Library.

Agenda, Attendee List and Presentations are available to members in the PRESENTATION LIBRARY