Telecom Council meets monthly for lunch with dozens of telcos, vendors, startups and VCs. This month, telcos, vendors, startups, and VCs meet for lunch to discuss if containers can improve NFV.

  • Date:11/8/2016 12:00 PM
  • Location Swisscom in Menlo Park, CA (Map)

Agenda, Attendee List, & Presentation files now available to Telecom Council members in the library.


Agenda, Attendee List and Presentations are available to members in the PRESENTATION LIBRARY  

Telecom Council Roundtable discussions provide a unique opportunity for telecom and wireless decision makers to network with decision makers in the space, review some new technologies, contribute to the discussion, and get answers from topic experts - the discussion is driven by your questions, not ours. The topic on the table for this month, Containers, may enable better performing NFV. Our Telecom Council meeting will have telcos and vendors discussing possibilities and deals.

Virtualization allows the ability to spin up VMs as needed, sandbox them, and increase service agility while reducing costs…but Virtual Machines do insert a virtualization penalty as we run a guest OS on a host OS platform. And if maximum agility is sought, we must factor in the time needed for a Hypervisor to "spin up" the VM. Containers are a solution that reduces some of these limitations of virtualization.

Containers are environments where VNFs can run in the host machine, but sandboxed and "contained" on the host OS, as opposed to in a fully separate (while virtual) machine. Containers can be created more quickly, eliminate virtualization performance penalty, and reduce OS overhead.


Our meeting on Containers will discuss their use in telecom networks, how they can increase the flexibility of NFV and reduce complexity and cost in certain cases. Will containerization scale better than VMs? How does it perform? Are there scalability advantages?

Telecom Council Roundtable Meetings collect 50+ decision makers  monthly to examine and discuss advances, needs, technologies, trends, and policies that are affecting their businesses. In addition to an audience-driven discussion, these Roundtables provide ample networking time for the experts in the room, and often several demos of new technologies or startup companies.

Agenda, Attendee List and Presentations are available to members in the PRESENTATION LIBRARY