Agenda, Attendee List, & Presentation files now available to Telecom Council members in the library.

Highlighting recent announcements from the NAB conference, members, telcos, vendors, service companies and startups working on TV and video solutions join our Lunch Roundtable to discuss current trends and technologies and what it takes for nascent content creation plays like Apple's recent foray to succeed.

  • Date:4/20/2018 08:30 AM
  • Location Prospect Silicon Valley, San Jose (Map)


Agenda, Attendee List and Presentations are available to members in the PRESENTATION LIBRARY

Silicon Valley, California, April 2018/Meeting Recap/ ComTech Forum members and their guests met at Prospect Silicon Valley on Friday to preview the new season of Video Streaming and ponder on re-runs as we discussed the incumbent and new technology influencing the ratings to bring the best shows to device driven consumers.

Setting the scene with a market overview, Thierry Fautier, VP Video Streaming at Harmonic. Thierry’s presentation was like a decade of Nielsen’s Ratings, as he brought the data about where the market for video is going. In short, cord cutting is happening faster than expected, and customers are shifting to new bundles of video services, but are not monolithic, meaning they are patching together a few services that appeal to them and give them adequate content. Trend-setting customers are building their own mix of free, subscription, and pay-per-view content.

With enormous opportunities for new entrants in this market, including carriers, Satish Ramakrishnan, VP of Technology Outreach at CableLabs and David Price, VP of Strategic Business Development, TV & Media at Ericsson, led the conversation as they looked at the new video content creation market, concluding that the big ISPs and technology providers have already shifted their business models towards remaining relevant given the trends. Topics included vertical integration, but also partnering with former “enemies” like Comcast offering Netflix in its bundle.

Our audience then heard from 3 startups – Datazoom, Biggy TV, and Arumai Technologies – who presented their innovative solutions for improving consumer experiences as they stream their favorite shows. The startup tended to focus around better compression, lowering network impact, and analytics around improving customer experience.

With thanks to our expert speakers and startup presenters.  Members can access the slides from today via the Member Library.

Agenda, Attendee List and Presentations are available to members in the PRESENTATION LIBRARY