Agenda, Attendee List, & Presentation files now available to Telecom Council members in the library.

V2x means cars connecting with each-other, with city infrastructure, etc. and sharing road information to increase safety or convenience. What are the latest innovations in V2x, and what point solutions are startups offering for carmakers? We’ll find out at our V2x meeting!

  • Date:3/12/2024 08:30 AM
  • Location Hyundai CRADLE in Mountain View, CA, USA (Map)
  • More Info:Remote Access Available for Telecom Council Members



Silicon Valley, California, March 13, 2024/Meeting Recap/   The Telecom Council's recent meeting on V2x (Vehicle-to-Anything) technology was a resounding success. Held March 12th at Hyundai’s “CRADLE” innovation center in Mountain View, CA, the meeting drew approximately 125 attendees representing telcos, carmakers, Tier 1 vendors, investors, and other key mobility industry stakeholders.

The focus of the meeting was exploring the latest developments in V2x capabilities and identifying near-term solutions that can improve safety and convenience for drivers and road users. Presentations from industry thought leaders shed light on the opportunities and challenges within the V2x landscape, while pitch presentations from innovators and startups included topics such as:

  • Traffic management
  • Real time comms
  • Vulnerable Road User safety
  • Smart Infrastructure
  • Precision Positioning
  • Connectivity

A highlight of the day was an in-car demonstration of Spoke Security's technology in partnership with Audi. The demo had a staffer on a cycle with a Spoke beacon approach the car in a variety of situations, and prevented the car from turning into the cyclist through visible, audio, and haptic warnings.

One of the meeting’s take-aways is that, while in-phone apps like Waze do a great job of illustrating some of the benefits of V2x, that pales in comparison to what a similar solution can do, when embedded in the car. The car can outdo an app in two key ways:

  • Input: using the car's many sensors and cameras, road hazards can be “crowdsourced” by the car, not by the driver. There will not be the need for a driver to be distracted by entering or confirming hazard data.
  • Output: Instead of an app warning you that there is fog or ice, an embedded system could automatically illuminate foglights before fog, or headlights before a tunnel. It could activate traction control or 4x4 when approaching icy sections. It can inform the driver about pedestrians around corners, or in the dark. And when it makes sense to inform the driver, can use the bigger screens and UI of the car to do so, rather than the more distracting cell phone.

Throughout the meeting, presenters and audience members participated in productive business engagements during scheduled breaks and lunch. These interactions fostered valuable connections and potential collaborations, which is what the Telecom Council is here to do!

The Telecom Council would like to extend sincere thanks to our host, Hyundai CRADLE, and to our contributors for their insightful presentations. Thanks to our keynote analyst and our panel, whose expertise enriched the discussions surrounding V2X technology.

As a reminder, presentation materials from the meeting are available for Telecom Council members in the online library.